As a textile sculptor, Maria Pratas, uncovered a newfound dimension in her craft driven by her degree in a visual education’s and its two-dimensionality emphasis. With a dedication to crafting expansive textile sculptures, her creative odysseys take her to diverse destinations, collecting objects and memories as wellsprings of inspiration. The “Arquivo Topográfico” collection emerges as a standout within Maria’s portfolio. Here, she intricately weaves topographical details into her textile wall tapestries, forging a distinctive harmony between artistic expression and geographical elements.
The “Lugares” collection, a visual and tactile narrative, eloquently mirrors the unique essence of the visited locations. Maria’s mastery lies in translating her experiences into tangible forms, deftly blending raw materials to encapsulate the intricate details, elements, textures, and memories of cherished places. Drawing from the wisdom of ancient craftsmen, Maria skillfully merges diverse raw materials into narrative-rich objects. Undeterred by the constraints of time, she meticulously sculpts thread by thread, keeping textile fibers within constant reach. In her atelier, immersed in the textile realm, Maria discovers comfort as she orchestrates the complete creative process. Enthusiastically embracing eclectic artistic environments, she envisions her creations springing to life in distinctive, transformative spaces that honor both functionality and artistic expression.
Photos courtesy of Mariana Alvarez© and Maria Pratas